Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center on Universal Design and the Built Environment (RERC-UD)

RERC-UD Highlights
Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center on Accessible Public Transportation (RERC-APT) 2018-2023
Engages consumers, manufacturers, and service providers in designing, using, and evaluating innovative accessible information services, transportation equipment, and physical environments. The RERC-APT leverages emerging information technologies and addresses the need for consumer-driven solutions that can be rapidly implemented and adapted to a wide range of transportation systems.

RERC-APT Highlights
Field Initiated Project (FIP) on Optimizing Accessible Public Transportation 2017-2020
Evaluates the strengths and limitations of two innovative wheelchair securement systems in actual service: a three-point system, a fully integrated forward-facing system (Q’Pod) and a fully automated rear-facing securement system (Quantum).
Funded by NIDILRR

Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) II on Touch Models
Studies the usability of a prototype interactive touch model of the Smithsonian. The objectives include: (1) study the overall usability of a 3D interactive touch model prototype across six demographic groups, (2) assess the value of an adjustable height pedestal for housing the model, (3) study the ergonomics of four distinct angles during user interaction, and (4) utilize user feedback and professional recommendations to improve the design and end user experience.
Funded by NIDILRR

Home-based Stroke Rehabilitation System
Creates a portable rehabilitation system by combining smartphones with 3D-printed functional objects tailored to an individual’s mobility needs. Researchers harness the sensors and networking functions of smartphones to measure specific movements and provide timely feedback to the user.
Funded by NIH

Evaluation of Accessible Design Retrofits for Semi-detached and Attached Houses
Focuses on housing typologies in need of innovative solutions for the growing population who experience physical, mental, or sensory challenges. Working with Home Innovation Labs, the objectives include: (1) study the typical pitfalls of retrofitting for accessibility in town homes and row houses; (2) identify best practice solutions for overcoming barriers to adoption; and, (3) develop construction guidance to support designers, remodelers, and homeowners in their decision-making and construction processes.
Funded by HUD

Improving Demand Responsive Transportation for All
Discovers and determines solutions for solving usability problems for older adults and people with disabilities in demand responsive transportation. It seeks to identify universal design strategies for transportation network companies (TNCs) and special transportation services (STS) that would benefit all members of society. The long-range outcome of this research is to ensure equitable access to transportation services for all.
Funded by Toyota Social Innovation

Anthropometry is the study of the size and abilities of the human body. This long-range program established a database on the size and abilities of over 500 wheeled mobility device users and is available to standards-setting organizations looking to keep their standards current.


Community Collaborations
We support community development and capacity building in inclusive design through education, outreach, and creative collaborations. Building upon the skills and experiences of community advocates, policymakers, and professionals, our team works with diverse stakeholders to implement universal design in programming, human services, and construction projects. Team members participate in a variety of coalitions, task forces, steering committees, and boards to ensure current and emerging issues of access and inclusion are strongly represented and prioritized.

Stock Plans
The Inclusive Housing stock plans project is intended for people looking to build homes that work well for everyone, including those living with various abilities and living circumstances. The IDEA Center and our partners developed these plans to help fill the gap in the current single-family housing stock, which lacks homes designed for the lifespan, aging-in-place, and accessible to people with disabilities.
Funded by NIDILRR